Friday, May 17, 2013

Are You Disciplined?

Discipline....a word that many of us equate with punishment or consequences.  Yet, it also has another meaning.  When you say a musician or singer is very "disciplined", it means that they study and work very hard at what they do.  Most of us can say we are "disciplined" in something.  Perhaps you are a very disciplined teacher.  Perhaps you are a very disciplined runner, or physician, or student.  You could even be a very disciplined video game player, although I don't recommend wasting all your time doing that. Some people have made a career out of testing video games for companies, and surely they must be disciplined in the art of video gaming to do so.  So, at what are YOU disciplined?  What do you spend most of your time doing?  What are you perfectionistic about?  For me, I'd say my list is rather short.  There are very few things I'm perfectionistic about, unless you count the way I fold towels, but perhaps that's just more obsessive compulsive than disciplined.  I could list singing, parenting, my job...but in the long run those things are not the most important.  What I really want to be disciplined at is showing love, encouraging others, helping others, and giving joy to others.  As I think about it, all those things can be accomplished simply by being "disciplined" in God's word.  If you let His words truly sink into your soul; if you let His words truly become a part of who you are, understand them for yourself, believe them to be true, and have faith that what He said, He will do, then all those other things will fall right into place.  When you are disciplined at something, you are confident, strong and secure.  Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all were confident in showing love to each other, strong in encouraging each other through the tough times, and so secure in the joy of the Lord that it just oozes out of use and infuses everyone we touch?  That's the kind of discipline I long for, the kind that continually brings me closer to my God, the kind that can set me free from the worries of this world, and enable me to accomplish more than I ever dreamed.  Which leads me to a  favorite quote from one of my favorite people..."Discipline gives me the foundation that leaves me free to fly.  If I really know what I'm doing then I can soar."  ~ Julie Andrews

Let that be my goal, to be so disciplined in God's word and ways, that I am set free to soar, to do and to be all that He wants me to do and be.

Joshua 1:8:Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Monday, May 6, 2013

I'm Cracked!

I goof up.  I make mistakes.  I make bad decisions.  I say the wrong things.  I’m flawed, cracked, imperfect, scarred.  It’s not a matter of if I will let you down, but when.  Knowing all that, God chooses to love me anyway, completely and without condition and, He’s forgiven me completely.  I have a clean slate.  Therein lies my hope, my optimism, my reason to forgive the flaws in others.  Sometimes, for a moment or two, a cloud moves over my vision, and I lose sight of this hope.  It’s at those times I need the ones who love me most to help me find it again, to sweep away the clouds and find the sun (or the Son) on an otherwise gloomy day.  God puts those people in my life for that very reason at the perfect time.  He knew that, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t be happy, smiley and optimistic all the time.   He certainly knew I wouldn't be able to behave myself all the time!  Some days it’s more of a struggle than others, but I am profoundly grateful for the blessings He’s given me.  I am very aware of how blessed I am.  I have a husband I love beyond measure.  A Godly man, who is gentle and kind, sweet and funny, and my very best friend.  I have three boys who have turned into wonderful, talented, dedicated, Godly young men.  They make me realize there are at least three things in this life I’ve done very well!  I have music, a true gift from God I believe, and it often is the only thing that carries me through a gloomy day.  My entire life has been filled with music, every kind it seems, and though it hasn’t brought me fame, it has brought me so much more.  I have loyal friends who love me warts and all.  Some who have been more like family, and carried me through some of the darkest days.  Some I’ve known for many years, some I've only known a short while, but are not any less a part of my heart.  God has blessed me beyond measure.  These blessings can’t be bought, yet they are worth far more than anything money could buy.  So remember, when I do goof up, if I disappoint you in some way, I warned you it would happen.  But please do try to remember that I am trying.  God is still working on me, and He will be until the day I see Him face to face.   I promise until that day to do my best to keep my eyes on the Son, push away the clouds when they get in your way, and give you a smile of encouragement.  I thank you in advance for the days you need to do that for me.   It is my goal in life, although I do fail at it miserably sometimes, to be an encouragement to others and to give them a smile when they need it most.   If you're reading this, SMILE!  God loves you….even when you goof up!!  J

·      **   I have no idea what provoked this blog today.  I've not made anyone mad (that I'm aware of), or goofed up today (yet).  God just put it in my heart and out if flowed through my keyboard.  It often happens that way and I am always profoundly humbled and grateful when He chooses to use me in that way.  I hope that it touches the ones who needed to hear it, whomever and wherever they may be! 
     Much love & blessings,
·     ** Romans 5:8 –
But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.