I feel a blog entry coming on….it’s weird how it happens. One minute I am clueless, staring at a blank page wondering if there is anything intelligent I can write, and the next minute something happens that sets it all in motion. Sometimes it’s a good "happening"…sometimes it’s not. I’ll first say the “happening” that just happened was not a pleasant one, although not unexpected. Here’s the dilemma, trying to be kind, understanding, and good at what I do, I often ask if there is anything I CAN do, or anything I may have overlooked. I mean, with three schools to take care of, often I do forget something. Who wouldn’t? I certainly don’t claim to be perfect, but I do strive with all that I am to be consistent, understanding, patient and kind. These traits after all, do make things move along a lot smoother when dealing with people. That is why I simply cannot understand the meanness in some people…the downright ugly, rudeness that some people seem to be born to spread. It especially upsets me when I know I have done everything I can to be kind and patient with that person. I have heard that it takes seven compliments to make up for one negative comment. Sometimes, I think it might take twenty. At any rate, getting down to the main thing I am trying to say…what kind of person are you? Are you the kind of person that can be nice to mean people? There are not a lot of those kinds of people out there ya know? I try really hard to be that kind of person, but I admit there are times that I am simply not capable. My humanness creeps out all over the place and I just want to clobber them! I am having a moment like that right now. I am thanking God that they are in another school building, and I will not have to run into them in the hallway today. Because, I am certain if I did run into them it would not be a pleasant scene for either of us! Aren’t you glad that God loves us, even when we are angry? He loves us even when WE are the mean ones. He loves us NO MATTER WHAT!! And as I type that I realize that, even though I am fairly certain from my dealings with this person they are not a Christian, God loves her too!! So I am going to stomp my feet a few times to make ME feel a little better (wish I had a punching bag!), and then I am going to sincerely pray for her and also pray that I can show her what a real Christian is…and that I can love her with Christ’s love, even if I don’t “like” her very much!!
“What’s down in the well….comes UP in the bucket!!”