Monday, July 30, 2012

Facing a Giant?

Have you ever had to face a giant?   I’ve been there, and I wish I could say that I didn’t run away, but I did for a while.  It was just better, I thought, to run away and not deal with it.  After all, I hadn’t caused why should I be the one to deal with it, to “get over it” and move on?  Yes, it was much more comfortable to avoid dealing with it.  But, the fact was STILL there.  It never left.  Always nagging at the back of my mind as something unfinished, something that should have been fixed.  Maybe not now, but eventually you get to a point where you long for resolution.  You NEED it, even if the result is not what you expected.  I did eventually face that giant head on because I couldn’t stand to be thought of as the one who ran away....the weak, scared one....because I’m not that at all.  I faced it determined that what I needed to do was to simply forgive, because I knew without a doubt that is what God wanted me to do.  It’s a life lesson our children need to learn early.  Face that giant, don’t run from it.  You are a child of the MOST HIGH GOD.  You are not insignificant.  You are not weak.  You are immeasurably important to God and He will never leave your side, even when the going gets tough and you feel like running away.  It’s something I’ve tried to teach my children, and definitely something to think about, no matter how old you are.  Facing a giant brings about character, wisdom, and most importantly of all dependence on God.

Noah could have run away when God told him to build the ark.  But he didn’t.
Abraham could have run away when God asked him to sacrifice his only son.  But he didn’t.
David could have run away when he saw the giant.  But he didn’t.
Joshua could have run away when God told him to march around Jericho 7 times.  But he didn’t.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego could have just bowed down.  But they didn’t.

Jesus could have given up, and refused to take the punishment for our sins on the cross.

But He didn’t.   

"Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9, NIV).

By: Amy York

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Handwriting on the Wall...

  Several years ago I was involved in a Beth Moore Study about Daniel. Of course the study talked about Daniel's faith and trust in God, and that even when he was in the Lion's Den, he still believed that God would keep him safe.  At this time in my life I was in a Lion's Den.  It was an intensely difficult time in my life and I really, to this day, don't think I have ever experienced such spiritual warfare, or such turmoil and angst.  I don't feel the need to go into detail about it, other than to say that I had been horribly betrayed and mistreated by someone who had claimed to be my closest friend.  During this time, I was given a verse by a friend, who was in the bible study with me, but didn't know what I was going through.  She just came up to me one Sunday and said, "God laid it on my heart to give you this passage.  I don't know why, and it kind of worried me.  I hope you're ok."  I assured her I was doing ok, and took the passage from her.  I didn't read it until I got home.  The passage was Psalm 55.  I won't write it all here, you can go look it up, but it was exactly what I was dealing with and I was floored.  I shouldn't have been, because God has promised to never leave me.  Then, later in the week, when I was at my Beth Moore bible study we read some verses in Daniel 5 which talks about a hand suddenly appearing and actually writing a message from God for the King on the plaster walls.   I commented to the lady sitting next to me that I so wished sometimes, especially at that moment in my life, that God's hand would appear and write on the walls to tell me everything was going to be alright.  Our class then went to the sanctuary to watch the video that always comes with a Beth Moore study.  As the video began, she looked right into the camera and said (and I'm paraphrasing), "Listen beloved sisters, I have a message for you from the most high God.  You may be in the Lion's Den but God is not going to leave your side"....and up there...ON THE WALL of that sanctuary....was Psalm 55!!  My mouth fell open, I came out of my seat and onto my knees, and the tears started streaming down my face.  It was a moment I will NEVER forget, and one I have shared with very few people, mostly because it was so very emotional then, and even now I get teary thinking about it.  Due to circumstances beyond my control that was the last night I was able to attend that particular bible study, but I had heard what God needed me to hear loud and clear.  And you know what?  He did get me through it, and although it was one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with, it made me a much stronger person.  It also solidified my trust in God's provision.  So let me just tell you, like my sister in Christ, Beth Moore, told me that day.....Listen to me beloved brothers and sisters, I have a message for you from the Most High God!  He loves you unconditionally, and He will not forsake you.  He will place your sins as far as the East is from the West and remember them no more.  He will write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life...forever sealed as a child of God.  The life we have on this earth is but a vapor, and then we will enter into eternity.  If you don't know that you know that you know where you will be spending that eternity...don't wait another minute.  If I'm wrong...I've got nothing to lose.  If you're've got everything to lose.

By: Amy York

Psalm 55

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Who am I?

I was just thinking today about my next birthday, coming up on September 3rd.  I will be turning 45!  I remember thinking (when I was 20 something) how old that sounded, and that it would be forever before I got there, and yet...there it is.  The funny thing is, it doesn't bother me at all!  I have arrived at a point in life where, I am truly happy.  Trying to find the words to explain it, I am at a loss.  I'm confident in who I am, and although I could stand to lose several pounds, I think I look pretty good for my age.  I am truly, extremely blessed with a husband whom I love with all my heart, and with whom I will celebrate 25 years of marriage to this January.  I'm blessed with three of the most amazing, talented sons a mom could ever ask for.  I have an amazing family, wonderful friends, and a job that I love (most of the time, haha!).  It's not been the easiest of roads to get to who I am today.  There have been things along the way that brought me to my knees, to the very depths of the valley.  But God has been with me through it all.  I know there will be even more good times, and bad times, in the next 45 years, but I also know that God will never leave my side.  How anyone could get through life without Him, I cannot fathom.  So as I celebrate being "middle-aged", I want to thank each of you that have had a part in my life, because it is you who have helped make me who I am today.

Who am I?

I've often asked myself
who are you really now?
Can you describe in words
the who, what, when and how?

Of how you came to be
the one you are today.
This person I call ME,
Can I find the words to say?

Well I will certainly try
and start with just a few
words that tell you why
and perhaps give you a clue.

I'm happy, sparkly, sunshine.
I'm pink, and black and white.
I'm peanut butter cracker time.
I'm music, bright and light.

I'm tom boy, and I'm girly.
I'm barefoot all summer long.
I'm quiet, peaceful, joyful, curly.
I'm a quiet thoughtful song.

I'm laughing deep and hearty.
I'm camping, painting, fun.
I'm not the life of the party.
I'm the shy and quiet one.

I'm decent, patient, caring,
I'm polite, and calm and kind.
I'm strong and sometimes daring.
I'm a Christian, by Him designed.

I do not drink, or smoke or...well,
I do my very best
to be a good example
whenever I'm put to the test.

So that is about the gist of it
I've done the best I can do
I hope that explains me a bit
and makes you smile some too!  :)

By:  Amy York

Ephesians 5:1-2
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Just Keep Smiling

Just Keep Smiling

When I was in Jr. High School, I was skinny, had crooked teeth, and very frizzy, curly hair.  I was teased a lot.  Whenever someone would tease me, I would just smile because I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing they’d hurt me.  Because I was teased a lot...I smiled a LOT!  Thus I was given the nick-name “Smiley” by a girl who eventually became my friend.  Because of my experience, I have always done my best to be kind and decent to everyone whenever possible and “Just Keep Smiling”.  Those words have become my motto, and gotten me through some difficult times.  So, keep on smiling, even when you’re feeling blue, cause somewhere someone’s tired of trying, and your smile could help them through.  ;)  

People ask me why I smile a lot
Well it’s not that hard to explain.
I simply ask them well, why not?
Why frown, or sulk & complain?
I’ve always tried to be someone
Who brightened another’s day.
And when it’s all been said and done.
I hope I’m remembered that way.
So I’m gonna keep on smiling,
Even if I’m feeling blue.
Cause somewhere, someone’s tired of trying
And my smile could help them through.

By: Amy Hartman York

Proverbs 15:13
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."