Monday, December 8, 2014

Are You Out of Focus??

At Christmas time our focus often shifts to our frantic schedules of buying gifts, finding the perfect tree and getting it decorated, baking cookies, attending parties, getting pictures made with Santa, moving that blasted Elf on the Shelf every night, getting ready for Christmas Musicals and traveling to see loved ones.  It can be quite stressful in many ways and to the ones who’ve lost loved ones during the year or won’t be able to go home for Christmas, it can get quite depressing.  With a world so focused on “wants” and “getting more stuff” we can sometimes forget about the whole reason we celebrate to begin with.  
Just like the Grinch discovered, Christmas will come without packages and bows, without parties, decorations or feasts because Christmas isn’t about those things at all.  Christmas is about a Savior, sent to us as a little baby.  The only perfect gift ever given.  And, there were no twinkle lights, Christmas trees or packages with bows.  No one sang Christmas carols or drank hot chocolate or ate sugar cookies.  Mary & Joseph didn’t spend it with their families.  They spent it in a barn with the live stock.  But Christmas came….in a precious child, laid in an animal’s feeding trough and wrapped in a cloth.  What we celebrate at Christmas, what we need to focus on, is the fact that God loved each and every one of us so much, that He sent His only, beloved Son here to take all the sins of mankind, our sins, to the cross to pay the price for them… we, you and I, wouldn’t have to.  He sent Him in the most humble way.  
The way we celebrate these days couldn’t possibly we considered humble.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all the decorating, lights, presents, cookies, parties and all that goes with it!  I LOVE to celebrate and I think if you don’t at least put up a wreath and a nativity for Christmas, might possibly be related to the Grinch after-all.  It’s a GOOD thing to celebrate the awesome gift of Jesus!!  Go all out if you can!  But, in the midst of it all, don’t lose the reason for the season my friends.  Don’t let the stress of the holiday madness get to you.   Don’t let who you do or don’t get to spend Christmas with define your celebration.  

And one last thing….a challenge.  I challenge you to do at least one good thing for someone else every day until Jan. 1 (and then make it your New Year’s resolution!).  It can be big or small, but whatever it is, do it with a BIG smile on your face.  Do it with JOY!  Do it whether anyone sees it or not!  Because Love is always the perfect gift!!

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