Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Encouragement Gift

There can never be enough said about the gift of encouragement. Even if you aren’t born with it, you can learn to use it! “A gentle answer turns away wrath”…even children understand that concept. I can’t tell you how many times, when my boys were little, they would suddenly tell me they loved me…just as I was discovering the mischief they had been into. Think about it …has there been a time when someone said something nice to you that just really made you feel good, something that was completely unexpected and it made you smile when you hadn’t felt like it before? Have you ever had a nice thought about someone and then actually told them so? I don’t think those moments are accidents. I believe God is whispering in our ear. I believe those little encouragements are straight from God’s heart to ours. Of course sometimes it’s so hard to hear God whispering when we are so busy listening to the world tell us we should just look out for number one, and reach for all the glory ourselves. The secret to our own success, to our own happiness, is not grabbing all we can for ourselves…it’s in giving it away to others, for it’s in those moments when we are most like our loving Savior. You never know the impact your encouraging words can have on someone’s life. Encourage someone today… “Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.” - Mother Theresa

”Pretend you’re a star and poke a hole in someone’s darkness!”

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